
United States: The Capital of Venture Capital

Over the last 15 years, the venture capital sector has witnessed considerable growth both in the US and in other OECD countries. In 2021, investments soared to a record high of $300 billion across OECD countries combined, compared to just below $50 billion in 2008.

Throughout this period, the United States has remained the undisputed global hub for venture capital investments. In 2022, the United States registered $190.5 billion in venture capital investments, marking a more than fivefold increase since 2008.

Conversely, other OECD countries also showcased notable growth, culminating in an aggregate of just below $30 billion. This indicates that the United States, on its own, accounted for over six times the venture capital investments of all other OECD countries combined.

Note that the data covers 32 OECD-countries, and is not provided for Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, Iceland, Mexico and Türkiye. In 2022, data is not provided for Israel and Japan. In 2021, these two countries accounted for a total of $11.5 billion.

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